Adulting Hacked was a school project for MD Anderson. Their problem was to present cancer prevention information to 18-29-year-olds without using the negative, scare tactic techniques currently implied by the media. Our job was to perform secondary research, reframe the problem, provide a creative brief and execute it.

After doing research we decided to “Take Cancer out of Cancer Prevention”

Due to the changing times and the habits of our demographic, mobile media is our sole focus. We want our advertisements to reach the screen of as many people as we can and lead them to look further into “the brand.” Social media is interactive, therefore this is the best way to get our target audience to take a step further and view our social media pages and our website. With a simple click on their touchscreen, they will be reading our tips on how to maintain a healthy life and a long-lived future.


*Position: Art Director


  • Project Type: Social Media Campaign
  • Skills: Illustrator, Photoshop, Canva
  • Customer: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - School Project
  • Project Year: 2017