

My name is Maryorie Pavon. I am a Graphic Designer based in Austin TX. Currently, I am studying advertising at Texas State University. As I began my career, I realized that it doesn’t matter how much my professors try to prepare me for “Real-World Clients “ no exercise or assignment compares to the real world, and their expectations. As designers it is our job to make sure those expectations are satisfactorily met, but how can we be completely sure that meeting their expectations is enough and that there isn’t any other need that our client hasn’t considered.

Usually, after meeting with my clients, I ask myself the following questions: How do I find out what my clients’ most important needs are? Where can I do research? Where do I find good resources? Do I have to do every single thing from scratch?

My goal is to share my experiences with fellow graphic designers and clients through this blog in order to showcase my thought process and the way I work. Also, I want to share excellent sites where people involved in my profession can find resources and materials as they are working on particular projects.